Top 10 ways to increase weight within a week

In this blog, you will find 10 ways to increase weight within a week if you follow these tips I am 100% sure within a week you will gain weight. try if you can or want to increase weight


 1. Take a nutritious and balanced diet:-

first way to increase weight within a week is
Make fruits and vegetables the largest part of your meal - half the plate quantity:
Try to eat many colors and many types of fruits and vegetables. And remember that potatoes are not considered vegetables in a healthy food plate, because eating potatoes harms blood sugar, or 'blood glucose'.

Eat most of the whole grain, or whole grains - one fourth plate volume:
Whole and Whole Grains - Whole Wheat, Barley, Millet, Jugar, Jai, 'Brown Rice' or Unprocessed Rice, and foods made from them, such as bread made from whole wheat - made from plain flour, 'White Rice', And other processed grains have less effect on blood sugar and insulin.

Protein strength - one fourth plate volume
Fish, poultry, lentils, and walnuts are sources of healthy and versatile protein - they can be added to salad, and go well with vegetables. Red meat should be eaten less, and stay away from processed meats, such as bacon and sausages.

Healthy plant oil or vegetable oil - in moderate amounts:
Choose healthy vegetable oils, such as olive or 'olive', canola, soybean, sunflower, peanut, mustard, etc. oils, and stay away from 'parsley hydrogenated' oils, as they contain unhealthy 'trans fats'. Remember, foods do not become "healthy" simply because they are low or zero fat.

Do not say fast food and junk food forever and also include a balanced and nutritious diet in your food. Such as: - Take sprouts during breakfast in the morning, such as Sprouted gram, sprouted moong, sprouted soybean, etc. They all have the highest amount of protein, which is very important for the growth of the body. Eat more and more of the green vegetables in the lunch, as well as the salad. Reduce cucumber usage.   Weight loss success story 2021 real-life story

2. Consume more milk:-

second way to increase weight within a week is 
Milk is considered a complete diet. A newborn baby is fed only milk for the first 6 months because milk is the only diet that contains all the vitamins, protein, calcium and iron, which are very important for body growth. That's why drink as much milk as possible. In today's time, it is tough to get 100% pure and milk without adulteration, in such a situation, you are deprived of the benefits of it by drinking milk for a long time and finally, you start blaming the milk that drinking milk does not cause weight gain. Increases.


3. Carbohydrate and fat intake:-

third way to increase weight within a week is 
Carbohydrates provide excessive energy to the body. By consuming more carbohydrates in the food, the energy starts getting converted into fat, which starts increasing your weight. Carbohydrate-rich food: Rice, bread, wheat and potatoes etc. are easily available. In addition to carbohydrates, fat is most important in increasing weight. Fat is also called fat. Taking fat increases your weight by 100%. But pay attention when consuming fat - do hard work (exertion) if you take more fat than necessary, otherwise the excess fat you take for a long time can accumulate in your blood vessels and cause heart attack. In fat-rich food: - Oil, butter, ghee etc. can be consumed.

4. Use of Ayurvedic medicine:-

 fourth way to increase weight within a week is 
Consuming figs and raisins daily is beneficial for your health. For this, soak 6 figs and 30 grams raisins in water for 12-16 hours. After this, take it 2 times a day. Your weight will start increasing in a few days.

Ashwagandha an ayurvedic product:
Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic method of gaining weight. For this, drink 2 spoons of Ashwagandha mixed with 1 glass of milk. You can also consume it 2 times a day. This leads to weight gain in a healthy way.

Chyawanprash an ayurvedic product:
Chyawanprash helps in weight gain by boosting your immunity. By increasing immunity, your body is less prone to diseases. For this, take Chyawanprash twice a day.

Muleti an ayurvedic product:
Licorice strengthens your immune system. Which keeps your body healthy. Along with this, it helps you to gain weight.

With the help of these Ayurvedic methods, your weight increases in a healthy way, as well as your body, also keeps away from health-related problems and you stay away from diseases.

Sometimes home remedies are not able to show full effect in gaining weight. In such a situation you can use some Ayurvedic medicines along with the home remedy. Ashwagandha Churna, Chyawanprash, Asparagus, Mussali, Shilajit, Vasant Kusumakar Ras, Swarna Bhasma, all these Ayurvedic medicines show miraculous effects in weight gain and remove all types of weakness from the body. Note: Before taking these types of medicines, consult a good doctor.  weight loss real-life story read must  

5. Use raisins:-

 fifth way to increase weight within a week is 
Raisins are considered very good for health. Especially, if you want to gain weight then it will be very beneficial for you. Small raisins are considered a treasure of nutrition. The intake of a little raisin will give your body high calories. A quarter cup of raisins contains about 100 calories. Consuming it can help you gain weight.

Raisins can be very useful in gaining weight. Soak 15 to 20 grains of raisins in water at night and in the morning, consume them on an empty stomach. To make it more effective, you should also use almonds with raisins. Here you can also use charge instead of raisins but remember - the number of dagger should not be more than 6 or 8.

6. Use of dates and dry fruits:-  

sixth way to increase weight within a week is
Boiling dates and almonds in milk gives amazing results. Boil the dates and dates for 4-6 between boiling dates or dates and boiled in 1 big glass of milk, first boil the boiled dates and the dates and then drink milk. Bodyweight gain starts by using this experiment for 2 to 3 months. Note: Do not use this during summer. Use this experiment only when the weather is slightly cold.

7. Use of Banana:-

seventh way to increase weight within a week is 
Constant intake of bananas is beneficial in increasing body weight. Eat at least 5 to 6 bananas a day. And also make banana shake once a day.
Most people who are associated with sports or gym, they consume the most bananas to increase their weight. Eating two bananas daily increases the weight of a weak person shortly after and it removes thinness. Bananas are considered to provide a lot of energy. If you also have a fit body and a healthy life in life, then you must know the valuable benefits of banana.
Both banana and milk increase weight. But due to milk, some fat also accumulates. A mixture of milk and banana increases weight, but it is also difficult for the body to digest. So, to gain weight, eat banana twenty minutes after drinking milk. The body will digest it easily and will also gain weight.

Nowadays strange tips are given by people to increase weight. Which can sometimes prove fatal for you. So, once you consult a doctor or do some research on the Internet before adopting any remedy. Do not use it until the remedy is proved in four to five blogs.

8. Adding eggs to your meal:-

eighth way to increase weight within a week is
If you are non-vegetarian then eating eggs can prove helpful in increasing your weight. The middle of the boiled egg is full of fat. So if you want quick results, then consume the middle part of the egg as much as possible. Egg is the best source of protein and effective for weight gain. But eating raw eggs can sometimes be harmful. Eating raw egg will increase weight but it depends on your body. It is difficult for the body to digest raw egg and it is more likely to cause food poisoning.

Another disadvantage of eating raw egg is the lack of biotin in the body. Some substance is found in the white part of raw egg, which reduces the production of biotin in the body. This will weaken your nails and hair. So it is better if you do not eat raw egg. Eat it to a boil and it will add weight.

9. Eat cheese:-

The ninth way to increase weight within a week is
Tasty products made from dairy products are very beneficial for your health. It makes your bones strong as it is considered a good source of calcium. Nowadays dairy products such as milk, curd, cheese, butter, and cheese are used in almost every fast food. But due to the calories and fat in them, people often avoid eating cheese. Little is known about its health benefits. It contains many nutritional elements such as protein, vitamin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin K-2. Apart from this, vitamin B and vitamin D are also abundant in it. According to many studies, cheese and other dairy products can help protect your teeth from cavities. Consuming it in limited quantity is very beneficial for health. Let's know about the health benefits of this.

Little is known about the health benefits of cheese. It contains many nutritious elements like protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc. It is also rich in vitamin B and vitamin D. A slice of cheese is considered equivalent to a glass of milk. Its limited intake is beneficial.

If you are slim, cheese can play an important role in increasing your weight. Protein, calories, and fat are found in plenty in cheese, which can help increase your weight.
Eat more
cheese to gain your body weight. You can consume cottage cheese according to your capacity.


10. Exercise thrice a week:-

 tenth way to increase weight within a week is
1- Push-up exercise is one of the most effective exercises for weight gain because it does not require weights or any fancy and expensive machine to do it. This exercise is ideal for chest upper body and chest weight gain as it works best on large muscles. To do push-up exercise, you first lie down on your stomach. Place both your hands on the floor and straighten the hands, putting the weight of the body on both hands. Keep only the toes on the floor. Now bend the arm with the elbow, bring the chest near the ground and straighten the hands again. Take care not to place your chest on the floor. Repeat this action at home to gain weight.

2-Jogging is a good cardiovascular exercise that has the potential to boost a person's metabolism. This exercise develops the ability of a person to easily digest heavy food and add a lot of protein to the body in this process of weight gain, from jogging exercise, to increase the lean muscles of the body. No equipment is required to do jogging. Put on your shoes and just start walking. Increase your speed to the best of your ability.

In this post, whatever food items you have been told to gain body weight, along with using them in your daily life, make exercise, gym, yoga, and physical hard work a part of your life. Due to regular exercise or gym, heavy food taken by you also get digested very quickly and again makes you feel hungry.

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