How to upload quotes photos on Shutterstock? image quotes upload photos on shutterstock contributor

Quote images shutterstock, upload images in Shutterstock contributor, how to upload Shutterstock, earnings from Shutterstock,  Shutterstock contributor, Shutterstock contributor dashboard.

Shutterstock is the online photo, images, vector, and videos related stock collection site. daily millions of users visit and download stock.

where visitors pay and take subscriptions for downloading and get access to stocks and contributors to earn some pieces of stuff from their stock.

How do Shutterstock dashboard look like 

here is the image screenshot where you can find how exactly dashboard of Shutterstock contributor looks like.

How to upload quotes photos on Shutterstock?

below are the steps to post quotes photos on Shutterstock

  • Click on upload content or upload button                                                                                                        
  • New page will open click on drag and drop and upload photos from gallery or storage                                                           

  • After selecting photos click on the next button                                                                                                     

  • Then a new page will open where you have to edit                                                                        write description of image , select category of that stock and tags and click on upload button                                                                                                                                 

  • Then your image will be sent to pending or for approval as it may take upto 5 days. to get approved.                                                                                                                                                   

  • Then after getting reviewed there will be a remark about your photo got selected or not. If it got selected then it will take 3 days to be visible on the Shutterstock site.

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